Hello there,
I know that people often struggle to make early to mid-game. There are many options, however very few are possible with no gear, and a skill average below 3, which is what makes bazaar flipping so great. I would still recommend doing other money methods that give EX, such as mining, but this can help you get the gear you need for that. This main guide will be focused on 3 main parts. 1-300k coins, 300k-20m, 20+
1,000 - 300,000: Book Flipping
This part goes really fast. First off you want to get 1k coins. You should have this from getting the skills to unlock bazaar, however if you don't, do some small NPC flips to get there. This could be something such as seeds (make sure they're going for less than 0.5 coins pers), any gem other than topaz and jasper (they need to go for less than 4 coins pers, you can often find them at around 2-3 coins per). Once you have your 1k, go to the librarian NPC. You will be wanting to buy 16 of the t1 books, or 8 scavenger 1. Combine these in an anvil. **This no longer requires experience levels**. YOu can take there books, craft them for around 500 coins, and sell them for around 5,000. I would try to avoid having more than two of one kind of book at a time, as more supply makes It harder to keep a price high. You will want to keep doing this until you hit 300k coins. On the side, while you are waiting for your books to sell, you can do what I like to call craft flips. Certain items can be crafted into their enchanted form, and then sold for a profit. Common ones for this, Make sure to check margins before doing this, is gold-> enchanted gold, Lapis -> enchanted lapis, and crafting gemstones into higher tiers.
300,000 - 20m: Craft Flipping
This is where you can start getting into more profitable items. This is where you want to start craft flipping. There are two styles of craft flipping. Hard recipes, and lazy people exploitative. Hard recipe crafting is when you craft an item that is high up in a collection, that doesn't require that collection to use. It is helpful, but not necessary if this is a "starter item" or a talisman. Good items here that I tend to use are Gemstone Gauntlet, Challenging Rods (and upgrades of it depending on the market) Bait Ring/Spiked Atrocity, Healing Ring and the Sea Creature Artifact. If you don't have the recipes for this, you will have to stick to book flipping. Lazy person exploitative craft flipping is when you make a maxed item and sell it to someone who is too lazy to craft the item themselves. You can max out an item and sell it for some profit. Items I found here is making a maxed raiders from scratch (for this just do enchants), dragon armour (you can try and craft from frags, this is sometimes cheaper (Not always)) enchant it, and for certain sets put on potato books and a reforge, and aspect of the dragons, again either just enchants or enchants with hpb and reforge. You can also try and auction snipe, but be careful of market manipulators.
20m-100m: Market Manipulating
The principle of market manipulating is buying up a certain item so that its value rises, and selling at an inflated value. You ill want to look for an item that is both hard to resupply (something from a limited event(cakes, pet skins), something rare (overflux, Warden Heart, Handle(these can be very risky though)) or something with a long forge time (perfect gems). These items will also need to have a point where the price jumps up. this should be a 2-3m gap at the minimum. You will want to buy up all the items to this point, and then auction off the items you bought at around 5-minute intervals. The goal of this is that someone looking to auction snipe will underbid by 1-2m, which still ends with you profiting for 1-2m. A decent market manipulation will net you upwards of 10m profit if pulled off correctly.
I hope this helps you out. !!If you don't check the market price and lose money, or don't flip correctly, don't complain to me!!