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- Liverpool Mercury, etc.i
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- Liverpool, Merseyside, England
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- 12
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12 THE LIVEKPOOL MERCURY FRIDAY FEBRUARY 5 1904 LIVERPOOL PROVISION AMERICA UNITED STATES SHIPPING NEWS 4d to 3d paid now buyer at 3jd September Sj 4'd paid and sellers and October December 8s 6Jd buyers Mr Crarnikow gives the visible supplies follow stranded at etx a on Sheerna JJeach Now floated Proceeding Zephyrne Tyne for Eosario (Graveeend Peb Si Zepbj-rns has arrived here with damage to starboard bow above water Captain reports steamer collided early yeeterday Corning during fog with the Newarp Lightship Latter veeeel reported to be slightly damaged Catania Peb 4 Greek brigantine loadeitoRh wheat is auhore near Oozzo Spadaro NAUTICAL JOTTINGS CUN ARD LINE AND THE MEDITERRANEAN CPR AND CONTINENTAL EMIGRANTS NEW CRAFT FOR LIVERPOOL OWNERS There is every indication that the Cnna rd Line intend to compete most vigorously with the other lines for the trade between the Mediterranean and the United States The hold they have secured by the fortnightly service instituted by the Carpathian and Aurania in tho spring of last year is of a firm and permanent character judging by the number of passengers and the quantity of cargo earned and no doubt this has induced tbe company to extend their opera tions in this direction At present the only official information afforded is that arrangements are being made for a new service between New York and the Mediterranean but that the details are as yet not settled It is however known that with the commencement of April the Carpathia and Aurania will return to the Liverpool and United States services and presumably the new arrangements will then come ini operation Another point which has been verified is that the Cunard have pure-ha rd for their Mediterranean trade with the States the steel twin-screw steamer Yamuna which is to be rc-christencd the Slavonia so as to correspond with tho names of the other vessels in the fleet Tho craft is of 8831 tons gross and 5635 tons net and was built last year by Sir Laing and Sons Sunderland with engines by tho WaUsend Slipway Company to drive her at about 14J- knots She has been from tho British India Steam Navigation! Company Limited and is in every wav admirably suited for the purposes for which she is required having excellent passenger accommodation and being fitted throughout in an up-to-date manner Thursday Evening Bacon The market for American meats again show do response to further dearer cables from the States the counteracting influence being the continued stagnancy of the country demand A dull feeling consnquvaitly remains throughout wHb an easier tendency still noticeable in values holders being free sellers at bd pur cwt decline for Cumlierland cuts and all Irish selections Trading in Canadian meats also rules very slow and Wiltshire- are obtainable at another reduction of Is per owt Waterford and Danish bacons sell quietly at late prices to Is less money Shoulders There is little demand for either New Yorks or squares and the latter offer at partially 6d decline Hams Long cuts quiet and held for recent values and skinless in poor demand with offerings at generally 6d below yesterday Canadian long cut slow and la easier Lard Business continues of a retail consumptive character and the market for spot parcels is quiet though following further higher oLf terms sellers ask 3d to bd per cwt more moDev for prime Western and American refined Cheese experiences a quiet movement into consumption though a steady tono is upheld at lato figures Butter has a very steady market especially for New Zealand and Ansti-alian makes which have a fair demand Flggs sell quietly and Irish are cheaper Beef aud pork in quiet request at unchanged price Beet Ultra Indian mess (304U) 62 6d to 6 3d Pork prime Western GOOlbs) 62s 6d to 67s 6d Laron per Water! ord 47 Oil to 53s Od Danish 45 Od to 49s Cd Canadian (Wiltshire cut) 37 Od to 43 Od Ditto long ril 0 Od to 44s Od Ditto Cumberland cut 37s Od to 39s Od long clear 30-401bs average 37 td to 38s 6d Short rib 16-241bs ditto 36s 6d to 38s Od Cumberland cut 28-S81hs ditto 34s fid to 36s 6d Clear bellies 14-ldlbs ditto 44s bd to 49s Od Short dear backs 12-20lbs ditto 35s 6d to 38s Od Sbouiders cut ll-131bs 32s Oil to 33s Od Ditto Hquare-cut 12-161bs 32s Od to 34s 6d Ditto picnic 5-lOlbs 32s Od 34s Od Hams per 1121bs Longcut 14-16average 44 Od to 47s Od A 12-16 average 44s Oil to 47s Od Shortcut skinless 14-16 60s Oil to 53s Od Canadian lone cut 4'4s Od to 45s Od Lara- Prime Western Steam per U21bs 38 Od to 38s 6d American 2811i pails 37s 3d to 38s 3d Ditto 1121b firkins 36s 3d to 57s 3d Lardine tierces per 1121bs 29s 3d to 29s Sd Ditto 281b pails 30s 3d to 30 9d Cheese per llzlbs Finest 51s Od to 53s Od Butter per Danish choicest 112s Od to 115s Od Ditto choice 108s Od to Ills Od Canadian Creameries y2x Od to 96s Od Russian finest 84s Od to 92s Od NewZotlancL 99s Od to 102s Od Australian 93e 01 to 100s Od Australian secondary 87s Od to 90s Od Eggs per Irish ben 9s 8d to 10 3d Continental 6s lOd to 9s Od IMPORTS OF PROVISIONS Yesterday This jgr test Bacon 709 7176 61538 62047 Beef 356 331 3015 2513 Bolter 4105 20895 21710 Cheese 138 6781 61450 62040 Hams 227 2135 17241 17579 Pork 50 108 3999 4216 Lard 87 671 5035 5469 Including through traffic Bacon 1415 butter 600 cheese 413 bams 57 pork 100 lard 43 Copenhagen Official Butter Quotation Special cablegram to George Wall and Go Limited Unchanged" RAILWAY TRAFFIC RETURNS The following returns are for the past week with the increase or decrease compared with last half-year Norfolk Feb Kftb ft from the Tyoe Dsaeola 3 Sahvfco from Table Bav Pernambuco Feb from New York J5 Feb 2 Kilmore tronv Lirenteol Feb 3 CTha Le oeur from Antwerp Port Sabi Feb 3 Erzherzoc Franz Ferdinand York-hire Tsetse Shrewsbury ft tianoon reb 4 Eden Hall ft from Kart Loccteu lUo Janeiro Jon Holmiteld 1 from the Clyde Rano Feb Discovery from Cardiff 8au raacisco Manpaaa from Tahiti Feb 3 Memphis trom Hamburg Sierra 1 one Peb 3 Nigeria from Liverpool-Singapore Feb 4 Langhauk i from Barry TnMha llaru from London Rtpublms from Naples and pro oeeded for Bortwi St Vincnt Bolnrar from Liverpool ami left tor jQintos Feb 4 Florence from Boeno Ayres Tneu- Irom Rosario WestgHte 8 from Monte Video from Bnenos Airet Suck Feb 3 a bwakopnmnd? Feb Ernest Wornnann from Ham-bur Sydney Peb Grange from Gladstone lor'ie Bay Feb 2 Radian Castle Irom Hamburg Wellington Feb Gothic from London Whatcom Jan 28 Senator from Royal Roads Feb 2 Palina from Londun Feb 3 Ovd fiftin Batonm FOREIGN SAILED Aw ra Feb 4 Cameroon for Liverixcl A-lo Feb Caledonian for Marsfilies Ahxiuidna Feb for Const out) oople Baltiniorn Feb 3 Oldenburg for Bremen Bombay Feb Persia Feb 2 Mar wart i for Antwerp and Hull Feb 3 atririun for IjoikIob Buna a a Capetown Feb 4 Blythwood for Adelaide ChtOTulpo Feb 4 Foyle for Kuehiaotou Coronel Feo Olive Branch for Liverpool Delaware Breakwater Feb 2-ComlebaDk ter New York Galveston Fttb 3 Civilian for Liverpool Genoa Peb Calabria tor Lev born Gibraltar Feb Victoria for London Havre Feb AutiRata uorn Rio Janeiro Kuanchfloo eb Bchdale for Holyhead Maita Feb Aston Hall for Bombay and Karachi Lousuale Clan MacJaren Clan Maeleod Brenner tor C-oufttanrinowD Jan 4 Ciau Jlacfadyen Melbourne Feb for the ChanBtl Clock for Quetustown Mobile Feb for Gibraltar Niiffasaki Feb Howjok Hall for Singapore Naial Feb Harlech Cattle a for Soiitbanrpton New York Feb 3 Georic Majestic Palambanc Feb Paul llac Feb 2 Axniral Joureuiberry for IndChma Per im Feb Lancashire for Marseilles St Pon ta Delgado Feb 3 Repnblic Portland Feb 1 Hibernian for Giajjow Port Feb 3 Clan Grant for Marseilles Ava Ceylon Feb 4 Ulyuaes 8 for Maiwilies Puma Arenas Feb Onto iand not as betore reported ltio Janeiro Feb 4Hiiltan for the River Plate River Plate Feb Trojan Prince for Dunkirk Savannah Feb Nunima for Port Arthur Texai Manchester Corporation 8 for Bremen Sierra Leone Feb Elmina foi Hamburg Singapore Feb 3 Enplectela ft SL Vincent Feb 3 Bolivar 6 for iQuitos Sne Feb 3 Clan Sinclair Feb 4 Yorkshire for Colombo Oceana Syra Feb Alsatian Table Feb 2 Perthshire for London Feb 3 Riupinjsrbam Granse homeward Medir tor Australia Tangier Feb -City of Khios Teneriffe Feb lllova for London Marathon ontward Suevio Visa Feb for Southampton FOREIGN PASSED Coufttantinople Feb 1 Femnore freai Sulina for Gibraltar Dardanelles Feb Tbereae Heymann Manhattan Dunrobin 8 iYnefieM Starlight Frank Cowerdal and Smolinftk all down Fernaralo Noronha Feb Heelsum i outward Feb David Mainland from Kntendjie for Falmouth between Feh 3 and 4 Kanagawa Maru 1 Lincinden William Balls 1 Florida (Norwegian steamer) Feb 4 Penpol Banta Anrlica a Duke of Cornwall HM fthips Cleopatra aud SeylJa Heyt Feb 4 Rhineland ft Between Feb 3 and 4 i Tufttaa Prince Clan Macfadyen 1 Feb 4 Enfield Oiteroft Feb Alabama Penicbe Feb Neidentels ft Perim larieashire Savoia Port Feb 1 IJonefthan Dnart Feb 2 Headlands Sicsmund between Frt 3 and 4- Turkistan Abd El Kadir Feb 4 Bare Gteititm-ret Sacreft Feb Lindisfaruo 5 St Irene Sapphire ft Drajrtou 8 David Mainland a Raven Coniiton Ben-mobr Kaiftow Sumatra Aikehail Katanya Lineluden St Vincent Feb Campena Between Feb 3 and 4 Clan Macmillan Don Juan ft Donaustiia US gunboat) Tarifa Feb 3 Cymbeline Island Feb Chickahominy from Manchester for Jamaica Feb 3- Prills Willem TV Gretehen Bohlen Feb 4 Cerbea Deuato Argo VESSELS SPOKEN Irvine Marseilles for Cadi Jan 28 40 1 (f) Italian 30 1 Garry Melbourne for Tondon Dec 15 46 182E Duns Iw Portland Or for Alsoa Bay Dee 24-23 124 Noas Cardiff for Bahia Jon 15 ION 26 Jotra the Tyne for Bahia Jan 15 10 26 Pietro Aocame Cadiz for Monte Video Jan 22 31 15 Clan Teslie the Clyde for Algoa Bay Jan 22 30 Queen WLlhpJmina ft Rotterdam for Baltimore Jan 24 53 34 MOVEMENTS OF MESSRff ELDER DEMPSTER AND STEAMERS Port Royal fTom Kingtrn Ja anived at Avonroouth on Tharftday 4 Cameroon left Aorrw on Thursday Feb 4 or Lrverpool Elinina left Sierra Ieone for HambuTjr on Wednesday Fet 3 Andoni from Mobile for Liverpool parsed Holylread on Thursday Feb 4 Nyanjra from West Africa arrived at Liverpool on Thuraday Feb 4 ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS From LIVERPOOL (Via Qraamrowsl To NEW YORK To BOSTON CEDRIC Wed FebJlO CRETTC Thun Feb 18 MAJEBT1C Wed Feb 17 CYMRIC Than Mar 3 OCEANIC Wed Feb 24 I CRETJC Tiuur Max 17 First Class rates 12 and upwards according to steamer and superior accommodation at moderate rates for Second and Third Class Pasnengers Second Class Passengers by New York steamers booked to Boston or Philadelphia and by Boston steamers to New York or Philadelphia and Third Claes Passengers by New York steamers to Boston Philadelphia or Baltimore and by Boston steamers toNew York Philadelphia or Baltimore without extra choree A Special Fram will leave Boston London at 10 45 air cm Wednesday next the 10th instant Girt to Princes Land ny stage where First Claas Passe risers eznbarx per CEDKICnot later than 3 30 tuc WHITE STAR LINE BOSTON-MEDITERBANEAN SERVICE (VIA Azores) Bailing from Alexaudna Naples Gibraltar Due Boetoo ROMANIC Feu 4 Feb 10 Feb 13 Feb 22 CANOPIC Feb 13 Feb24 Feb 27 Mar 7 Due Aiex- Sailixm from Boston Marseilles Genoa Naples andria CANOPIC Jan 30 Feb 10 Feb 11 Feb 15 Feb 17 Algiers REPUBLIC Feb 13 Feb 24 Feb 25 Feb 27 Mar 2 LSMAY IMBJLE OOf LIVERPOOL 17 Cockspur-st SW jmkI 3 Leadeuhall-st EC London NORDDEUTSCHERr LLOYD BREMEN IMPERIAL FAST MAIL STEAMERS TO KW YORK HE MLD1 TE RR AN AN EG PF INDIA CHINA JAPAN AUSTRALIA SOUTH AMERICA For plans aud ali particulars apply to a A CO 21 23 WATER-S'fKKKXmOli 7 A i-A-STKlET nT)T) CANADIAN PACIFIC RLY VJl ili ATLANTIC SS LINES LIVERPOOL TO CANADA First Cabin £11 Secoud £7 10 Third £5 10s SJ3 Lake Erie (twin-screw) 7560 tons Feb 16 SJ3 Lake Mauitobaltwin-fiCrew) 8352 tons Mar 1 Free Pamphlet re "Work and CPBju 2d James-street Liverpool SOUTH AMERICA PACIFIO LINK OK ROYAL MAIL Bl'KAilKSa TO UKAZIL KIVEP PLATE AtteiEJITILNE 0OA3T POETS VALPAKA180 Ac Oropesa 53Q3Feb 18 St Vincent (CV) Rio de Janeiro Monte Video (for Buenos Ayres aud Rosario) Sandy Point Carone) l'aica huano and Valparaiso for all coast ports (Twin screw) Oka via 5320! Mar (Twin Screw) OnrrA 9231 Mar 17 (Twin Screw) Victoria j5967Mar 31 (Twin Screw) Calling to land aud embark passengers at LA PALLICE (ROCHELLEL OORUNNA CAliKLL lor VIGO) LEIXOES (OPORTO) and LISBON The stria mere also call alternately at Stanley (FaBdands) and Pernambuco and Bahia ARGENTINA DIRECT Bahia Blanca (for Buenos 5896iMax 10 Ares) Port Modryn aud Weat Coast Calling to land and embark Passengers at La 4821! May 6 Pallice Corunna Vigo Cadiz and Teneriffe Galicia (twin-screw) Orellana Loading at Glasgow up to 5th March and 30th April respectively 'Railway journey Bahia Blanc to Bueuos Ayres 13 hours Unsurpassed accommodation for passengers Also REGULAR SERVICE to CHILI and PERU Cargo only calling at RIG DE JANEIRO bteamer I Tons i Giaseow Liverpool SAKMIENTO 3603 Mon Feb 22 Sat Feb 27 MAGELLAN 359U I Mon Mar 21 I Bat Mar 26 Loading Berth MOllPETH DOCK BIRKENHEAD Goods also received at DOCK LIVERPOOL Apply to The PACIFIC STEAM NAVIGATION COM-PANY St Margaret-chambers Piccadilly Manchester or Head Offloe dl James-street JLiverfiooL RMS CROP ESA will embark Passengers at the Princes Landing-stage Liverpool not later than Noon on Thursday the 18th February THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM- PACKET COMPANY (under Contract for Hu Mails) FORTNIGHTLY SAILINGS from Southampton for WEST INDIES BRAZIL and RIVER PLATE WEST INDIES Next Sail Fob 17 THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM-PACKET OO River plate brazil stain and Portugal (Calling at Madeira and Teneriffe alternately) Clyde Tn Feh 12 Offices London 18 Moorgate-strect or 29 Cockspur-street Manchester 5 Albert-square Liverpool: 5 Fenwick -street SOUTH AFRICA NATAL ORANGE RIVER COLONY TRANSVAAL AND EAST AFRICA The Best A Cheap at Route is via Durban TixJtw xittjrJLEEN LINE OF DIRECT STEAMERS Regtiiar sailings Burgeon and stewardess carried Excellent cuisine Electric- light Full particulars will be sent to intending passengers on application to the owners JOHN RENNIE SON OO 4 East lndia-avenne London EC or to THOS COOK SON 51 Lord-street Liverpool or DEAN DAWSON 2d Water-street Liverpool AUSTRALIA AT TY norddeutscheb- JLl a JLJ JU LLOYD BREMEN IMPERIAL FAST MAIL STEAMERS Yu SUEZ CANAL to AUSTRALIA Saloon L66 Second Saloon £36 Third Class £15 This service is maintained by largo twin-screw NDL steamers (up to 1315: tons) Free pamphleuou Australia and New Zealand on application For plans and all particulars apply to KAM3DEN CO 21 23 WAFER-STREET ok 7 JAMES-STREET LIVERPOOL 'I'elepbone 201- NEW ZEALAND NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY TENERIFFE CAPETOWN TASMANIA A ST ALIA VIA HOBART AND NEW ZEALAND Monthly Service Excellent accommodation Low fares Special Terms to Families aud Round the World Pleasure Tours Feb 25 RIMUTAKA (twse) 7765 tons Mar 24 TON GAR RO (twse) 7o00tons Apply to Westray aud Co 138 Iadenhaii-street London EC or to GDION COl 21 Water-street Liverpool SCOTLAND MACIVERS SAILINGS LEONA or other tsteamcr will Sail as under unless prevented by unforeseen A circumstances LfeT LIVERPOOL LASGO CALLING AT GREENOCK rom LI VERPOOL Tuesday Feij 0 4 0 pm Monday Feb 15 10 0 pm 0 pm 0 pm From GLASGOW Saturday Feb 6 2 Opm Friday Feb 12 2 Thursday Feb 18 2 Tuesday Feb 23 2 Monday Feb 29 2 A limited number I passengers carried Goods carried subject to conditions iu sailing bills Apply to Lauglauds and Sons 46 Hope-street Glasgow and Denholm Greenock Telephone 251 MA GIVER GO Managers 64 and 65 Tower-buildings Water-street Javerpool 0 pm 0 ptu Opm 0 pm i 4 LIVERPOOL GLASGOW A CALLING AX GiUJiSOCK The Fart New Steamcre SPANIEL ana POINTER Prom LIVERPOOL From GLASGOW Dock South-east Train Cent Side Broomielaw Statou to Friday Feb 5 1 Opm Shed 18 Greeuook Monday Feb 8 4 0 pm Fri Feb 5 4 0 poi 8 26 pm Thursday Feb 11 7 0 pm Mo Feb 8 4 Opm 8 25 pm Th Feb 11 4 0 pm 8 25 pm Where passengers can join steamer at Custom House Ouay Return Tickets are ouly available by Messrs steamers Passengers aud their luggage and goods and live stock are only carried subject to the conditions specified on back of samng bills BURNS 30 Jamaica -st rent Glasgow Excise-buildings Greenock Kxonauge-buudiuge Leith 31 Braxunnose-stroet Manchester 21 WatersLreet LiverpooL LAN SAILINGS TO GUEJENOCK AND GLA3GOW KilNCESS LOUISE oa Other Steamer From LivurtPooi From Glasgow Clarence Dock Berth 24 NB Saturday Feb 6 1 0 pm 1 Tuesday Feb 8 2 0 pm Friday Feb 12 8 0 ptn Monday Feb 16 2 Opm Thursday Feb 16 12 noon I Saturday Feb 20 2 0 pm can jom the steamer at Grk knock Ordinary Fares Cabiu Burgle Return (valid for two mouths) J6s od Steerage dingle 6a 6d Special Return Tickets (vahil for ten Cabin lk steerage 83 id TO ABERDEEN LEITH DUNDEE AC Every Wednesday and Saturday To Stroumese amt Newcastle Weekly To Stornoway aud Inverness Fortnightly For tailing bills fares and rates of freight apply to LAN GLANDS SONS Tel 451 ami 468 10 Ruuif ord-place Liverpool SILLQTH Tllri uone No 130 DAILY AlLINGa LIVERPOOLxo SILLOTH For tee following Towus in the North of KogUnd Boouanu: CAKLlaLi5 GALAaHIEUi UWLiTHGOW BLUVVIOK HAW ILL LLWCASlLt HLAVLUN HLXUAAl DUNJJKE LiiLaO ULOULUG1L EIUNBUKGfi KlUloUALDY bOLTH dHILLDS GATESHEAL LLITII SUNLEKLAALi Eirst-elaas Steam rs Bail A 1 (SunUujsexeoliUsdjeaoll way weather penuittiug3 subject couumuns on haciubills From CJarence Dock From SlLLOi li Daily Sundays excepted A limited number of Passengers are taken to SilioLh ouly Cabin 7a Retuam cabin bd and Deck 6u GHAlNGLli CO 5 Cbai-street LiveqxxL PUBLICATIONS Post Free Three Staiops A TREATISE on the Cura of Nervous aud Physical Exhaustion in Men Loss of Vital Power and its Accompanying Diseases their successful Cure by an entirely Original and Effective riystem of Murray 7 Bouthainptou-row London WC CIRCULATION ADVERTISING Owing to ite widespread circulatioo the LI hit POOL LAXLY MKBCCEY ha probably more readers than any other morniiig paper published in South-west Lancaaiure This account for its great popularity a an advertising medium A leading authority the nghtly modern advertiatnG it ha become recognised that the buyers cxiat in the homes of the people and that thoea journals which yield the moet profitable result are the papers whose circulation and influence ties iu the homes'' This is especially true of tho UV EBPOOL LAXLY CUNARD LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMER- FROM LIVERPOOL VIA yL-EEVSTOWN Swa fb- if tTKlKIA 8-Feb 20 1 SXLVANU Ju Feb23 TO NEW YORE TO BOSTON IVKBMA Sst Feb 61TJLTONIA Tu Feb 9 tJnsarpMsed nocommoaiuion moderate rate tor 'all teamera anti for all wuweners The Twin-crew Hhip IVEKNIA BAXOKTA CAJiPATfcliA are among the largem shipn afloat uid Uieir remarkable steadiness makes seasickness pradicady impossible Second Mid Third Class Psaeenftera forwarded free ris New York to Philadelphia and Boston and ns Boston to New York and Bhiiadeiphia Third LIhb also forwarded lo Baltimore without exuw charce Outfit fres The 1VKRNIA will emiiark Passengers at the Stage To-roorrow (Saturday) Afternoon 6th inst from Three o'clock to HaLf-pa-t Four leanng promptly at the latter hour A Special Train learos Boston Station Lennon on Saturday at 12 noon and on Tuesday Feb 16 at 10 55am with vSaloon Passengers for the Oinard steamers leasing Liverpool If presacd for time Passengers may leave Easton by the Mail Train at 4 10 on Saturday afternoon or Lime-sireet Liverpool ut 7 15 pm and join the ship al Oueeos-town THE CCNAKJD STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED 8 VYacer-elreet Liverpool BRITISH COLUMBIA PUGET SOUND THE CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY LIMITED arc ninnm REGULAR LINE OF STEAMERS (ONCE FVEhY FOUR VEKBji) From GLASGOW aud LIVERPOOL TO VICTORIA VANCOUVER CITY TACOMA AND SEATTLE For particulars as to reixhi Ac apply to tbs Company at their offices IN LA-BUILDINGS ATEK -STREET LIVERPOOL UNITED STATES AND CANADA (The only Line Under Government Contract for Conveyance of the Canadian Mails) Feb 9 ULUNDA 8t John's NF and Halifax Feb II 8ICTL1 AN Halifax and tit John NB Feb 11 CITY OF BENARES Calcutta Feb 13 SIBERI AN Philadeluhia direct Feb lb AUSTRIAN Monte Video Ayres and Rosario Feb 18 BAVAJiLAN Halifax and St John NB ob 23 RHEN AN I A St ohn JN and alif ax Feb 23 CITY OF CORINTH Calcutta Feb 2d PARISIAN Halifax and St John NB Special rates to all points in the United States and Canada Manitoba the North-west Territory and British Columbia and via Vancouver aud San Francwco to China Japan Australia and New Zealand also to River Plate Ac For Freight or Passage apply to the AgenU ALLAN BROTHER CO Liverpool and London Ltd 103 Leadenhali-atreet London Foyle-street Derry 19 JAMES-vSTREET LIVERPOOL- DOMINION LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS From LIVERPOOL Feb DOMINION for Halifax and Portland Feb 18 for Portland Me Feb CANADA for Halifax and Portland Mar for Portland Me 11 Cargo steamer ouly Excellent accommodation for First Second aud Third Class Passengers Goods aud Passengers booked through at SPBCULL Rates to all points in tlic UrrEL States aud Canada Apply Dominion Line Oftices 27 and 29 Jamee-street Liverpool- 8 Oockspur-street SW and 38 Ixiadeohall-street EO Loudon v- LEYLAND LINE LIVERPOOL TO BOSTON WiNirBKDXA Feb 6 New Steamers Firet-ciaas passengers only All accommodation amidships Electric 1 light throughout Fare £10 Music and Smoke Rooms on Promenade Deck Liverpool to West Indies Spanish MaiD and Mexico Fastest route from England to West Coast Paciiic Ports via Colon Tourist Tickcis available for six months affording facilities for visiting the West Indies Spanish Main ana Mexioo £40 NEW ORLEANS American Feb 27 BARBADOES Ac COLON Ac AiaMKRiAji Feb 13 Antillian Feb 18 For particulars apply to FRELK LKYLAND CO (1900) LTD 27 James-street Liverpool 3 Cockspur-etreet 8W and 38 Leadenhail street London EC MEDITERBANEAN THE PAPAYANNI LINE STEAMERS FOR MFiDITEKIiAKEAN BLACK SEA PORTS Doapatche! at Regular intervals Next Sailings unforeseen excepted For TANGIER ALGIERS MALTA and ALEXANDRIA an BRITANNIA 10th February (if not previously full) For ALGIERS MALTA SYRA SMYRNA CONSTANTINOPLE and ODESSA sa CITY OF CAMBRIDGE 20th February (if not previously full) Goods taken by private agreement only Excellent passenger accommodation Stewardesbea carried Should the above sailings be preveuted or delayed by strikes lockouts riots or stoppages of labour from any cause the owners do not hold themselves responsible for any loss or damage that may arise All tho steamers of this line are carefully divided into compartments by stroog iron watertight bulkheads carried up to the top deck as the only safeguard against foundering in case of collision Aa they carry a limited number of first-class passengers only to and from this country there is no overcrowding and as they call at many places of natural and historic int erest tourists and pleasure-seekers taking a trip by them will tied it most eujoyable interesting instructive safe and economical Plans may be seen at the office of the company For further particulars apply to PAPAYANNI CO 2 vYater-street Liverpool Or 17 Brarenuuse-street Manchester WEST INDIES WK3T INDIES THE DUtEOT WEST INDIA MAID SERVICE BRISTOL to KINGSTON (Jamaica) FORTHitmV MS PortRojal Ffb 13 I RM8 Port Antonio Feb 27 Masnttieent accommodation for saloon and second-ciaas pMsengers Fares mod rate For passage or freht aip-j to EtDEB Dkmpstkb a no Co Livenool Briatol Lonaon and Mane neater IRELAND CITY OB DUBLIN STEAM PACKET CO LIVEKPOOL AND DUBLIN ROYAL MAIL NEW RAPID SERVICE VIA KINGSTOWN HOLYHEAD Fastest and Best Passenger Route bea Passage 2 Hours 4o Minutes DayMaiL Night Mail- Week days dep lu aiU IU pm tJunday 10 to pm- Hjandiug-stace) Vcek days 10 50am 11 0 pm buudays 8 20am i 46 pjn 1st Glass 2nd Class 3rd Class 2nd Class 3rd Class aud aud ana and and baloon baloon Satoou 2nd Cabiu 2nd Cabin 26s bd 17s bd 16s Od 14s 6d Cd 308 26m ud gbs 6d 23tJ 6d Return Tickets are available for'ISvo Months On weekdays passengers can also leave JUrne-street at 0 46 pm or iauauig stage at 9 45 pm This train goes alongside the Mail Packet on arrival at Holyhead Passengers can remain on board the Packet at Kingstown after arrival the morning until 8 am aud on Sundays until 0 am FAST DIRECT DAILY SERVICE BE A PABrtAUL K10HT HOCKS The larae powerful aud spituaidly-fitted uew Screw Steamers KILKENNY OOKK KEiUtY CAJfctLOVV WICKLOW LOCTH or other Vessel sad between JKeoiou Dock or finnse's Loudiuk-stsse Liverpool aud the North WaiL Dublin Friday Feb 5 2 0 pm i Haturday Feb 6 2 30 pm From Prince Lanaiug-stage iNortn lino ar 8 piu Single Cabin Fare lot 6d Deck Fare Return (available lor two Cabin 21t Deck 6s 6d Cheap Excursions to Dublin every Friday aud baturdaj Dinner served in tialoon at Eight clock every evening charge 2s bd faioon passengers can remain on board the Bigot steamer after arrival until 9 aiu Passengers booked through to Irish Railway Stations NOTE Coods for this vessels to be sent to the Nelson Dock Liverpool FAST DAY CiUHT SERVICE LIVERPOOL DUBLIN in addition to Ordinary Night Service Friday Feb 5 10 0 am Landing-stage Saturday Feb 6 10 0 am Lanuing-stage fir Qm Dublin 12 Noon Daily except Saturday Saturdays 2 pm For further particulars apply to CAPT CHAS BELL Marine Supt and Agent 13 Water-street aud 9 Regent-street Liverpool CITY OF CORK STEAM PACKET COMPANY LIMITED LIVERPOOL AND CORK STEAMERS DIRECT ROUTE FOR LIMERICK JR4JLEE HARLE ILLE and neign Doming towus TUESDAYS THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS The first-class Powerful SLeauiKhip of tho City of Cork Steam Packet Company Limited are intended PIP to tail as undermentioned unless prevented by strikes or other circumstances with or without pilots and with liberty to tow vessels and to render assistance to vessels iu (Ultra netwoeu Liverpool and Cork The steamships KEN ARE GLEN CARJLFF XEM A LEE BLARNEY KILLARNEY LIVERPOOL to CORK from West Waterloo Uock Saturday Feb 6 12 30 pm i Saturday Feb 13 8 0 pm Tuesday Feb 9 3 3o pm Tuesday Feb 16 10 0 pm Thursday Feb 11 6 0 pm 1 hurtday Feb 18 11 Dawn From Penrose iuay CORK for LIVERPOOL Tuesdays Thursdays avid Saturdays Fares Cabiu 17k fcid itcuiru Tickets available fortwo mouths £1 5 Deck 10s Return loa Carriages Horses and Cargo intended for shipment should be at the steamship at least Two ours before the time of sailing and on all occasions before Six pm The freight of carriages hones and cattle must be prepaid For fui tlier particulars apply to the City of Cork Steam Packet Company Limited Penrose tuay Cork or to WILSON SON CO Agent 5 Chapel-st Liverpool and Temple-chambers Manchester DUBLIN LIVERPOOL SCREW STEAM PACKET OOMFAN REDUCED FARES AND FREIGHTS The Dublin and Jnverpooi Screw Steampacket Steamers EXPRESS aud BELFAST or other Vessels will be despatched (unless prevented by strew of weather or any unforeseen occurrence) Horn the North Wall Dublin aud from tho NoLon Dock Liverpool with Goods and Passengers as under with or without pilots and with liberty to tow and assist vessels FROM LIVERPOOL I FROM DUBLIN NoitfitnUKade) I (Norte Wall) Saturday Feb 6 2 Upm Friday Feb 8 7 0 pm Tuesday Feb 9 5 0 pm Monday Feb 7 0 pm Thursday Feb 11 8 0 pm I Woanea Feb 10 7 0 pm 1 ares Din Single lbs 6a Return (available for two months) 21s Deck Single 4g Return (available for two months) 6s 6d The Company will not be reEponsible for Passengers Luggage unless booked and paid for Goods must be alongside the vessel otic hour before the time of sailing For Freight and Passage apply to JAMBS CAJUUtfB Nelson Dock Liverpool (Telephone No 6643) or at the Head Office aud Stores Custom House Ouay Dublin CHAR LES EDDLE TON Agent BELFAST STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED LIVERPOOL AND BELFAST OPEN SEA PASSAGE ABOUT SIX HOURS DIRECT SERVICE OF EXPRESS STEAMERS From LIVERPOOL Btage) for BELFAST Daily (Sundays excepted) at 10 pm Ud the following dates tne steamer will sail from Prince's Dock February 15 16 17 and 18 From BELFAST for LIVERPOOL Daily (Sundays acd Christinas Day excepted) at 3 pn Saturdays 10 30 pui Through bookings between ail ibe Principal English Stations and Irish Stations via Belfast For further information and all particulars apply to Belfast Steamship Company Limit' 5 CHAFED STREET LIVERPOOL oh to tub manager BELFAST STEAMSHIP COMPANY 5AMBURG-AMERICAN LINE Berlin Thursday The Hambnrg-Anierican Lins ha decided to place three of the new ships which it was recently decided to construct on the east Asiatic service Reuter LAUNCH OF THE DOVER CASTLE The SS Dover Castle built for the Mail Steamship Company Limited by Messrs Barclay Curie and Company Limited at Whiteincli Glasgow which was launched yesterday is a twin-screw steamship constructed to and Board of Trade highest class The general dimensions aro as follow: Length 490ft breadth 56ft 9in depth 55ft gross tonnage about 8500 tons The vessel has a long combined poop and bridge and a long forecastle built on the upjer declc The poop and bridge arc covered by decks forming a shelter and promenade for passengers with a sun deck overhead She carries first and third class passengers only Accommodation is provided for about 250 first-clasa passengers mostly in large and airy staterooms amidships The mam dining saloon wifi seat 200 persons at one time and is a spacious room 50ft long and 50ft wide lighted by a central dome in addition to the side windows Adjoining the entrance hall on the promenade deck and entered from it is the reading room a handsome apartment well lighted and tastefully deoorated A commodious smoking room is situated at the after end of the same deck with bar adjoining and with a covered staircase leading from the rooms below The panelling is in oak the design of the room being old Dutch Interlocking rubber tiling covers the floor The third-class passengers to the number of about 500 are berthed in separate cabins of two four and six berths under the poop deck and in the upper decks abaft the engine room The dining saloon is located in the decks extending the full width of the vessel and is capable of seating all the passengers at one time SHIPPING HIGH WATEB AT LIVEKPOOL Morning Evknixg Height Todat 1 45 2 7 19 7 To-mobrow 2 29 2 52 18 4 THURSDAY FEBRUARY Liverpool nine am variable light breeze ten pm SE moderate at Holyhead sunrise SSE light ARRIVED February 3 lOurals Batomn Occident a VatenHa) (for Manchester) Pontiac Palermo Knight of the Garter Manchester Bombay Emerald PorsgrundjElm Branch Glasgow Africanders NewcartlelJenfeld Las Palmas (for Manchester) Livorno Ellesmere Port February 4 Oavoara Antwerp Africa Andoni Mobile Donumon Portiajod Me SAILED February 3 jBaiakani Belfast I Tabor a Alexandria Cambrian Chieftain Glasgow 1 JWm Cliff a Colon February 4 Rhiueiand JHamburg anderer a Barbadoes Forest Castle Barry Pioneor Rouen Patrocluss Barrow Orubas Valparaiso Cormshraaii a Portland Me Anapa a Oban Bay Wellington Armourer Valencia Cymric Boston Botuia 8 Cetln I Santa Barbaras Aviles Baidiiin Fredrikstad I on iai i Halifax City of Delhi Glasgow Sardinia Lisbon WRECKS AND CASUALTIES Augsburg 6 Adelaide for Hamburg (Ferrol Feb 3) German steamer Augsburg hue arrived with cargo on fire Abcrmaed (Ferrol Feb 3f-British steamer Abermaed has put in with watertank leaky Anna Moore Tyne for 8yra and Sanaa (Falmouth Peb Arrived Anna Moore Lost boatbridge smashed and sundry deck damages Cardiff for Colombo arrived with steam steering gear damaged Assunta for Marseilles (Marseilles Feb Italian steamer Assunta for Marseilles is ashore Bereby Guinea Coast and considered lost It is thought cargo may be saved Atlas tog (Terneuze Feb Atlas got off with assistance from tugs Damage unknown BarflJIan (Hamburg Feb British ship Bar-flllan got off with assistance without discharging and arrived Boston City (New York Feb 31 -Decks now suhmerged Weather unfavourable for salvage operations to-day Caiidia (Calcutta Feb Candia (P and Company) inward bonnd grounded above Nynan yesterday She was towed off last night and proceeded to port Steamer sustained no apparent damage Comliebank (New York Feb Vessel will probably dry dock to-morrow Corennie for Dover coal (Goole Feb Corennie collided with stone pier last night's tide damaging two plates on starboard bow She returned to dock will discharge part of cargo and effect repairs Seven plates and several frames damaged Douro (Trieste Feb 3) Douro (Wilson Linei and German steamer By -any have been in collision at the entrance of the harbour Former vessel is uninjured Latter slightly injured De Klerk Owners have received the following telegram from De Klerk put into Batavia to tie eiamlned having been aground Estimated cost of repairs about 30000 florins No 1 anilities for repairs at Batavia Must proceed to Singapore for docking Dunira Glasgow Salvage Association have received the following from their officer Dnnira floated Shall trim her on even keel to enable her to get out neit high water Erica 6 from Hamburg (Havana Feh Steamer experienced heavy weather and sustained considerable deck damage Much water got iuto hold Evangeline 6 CBurryport Feh 4) Steamer shifted 20 to 30 feet further rivervrards last night Expect to move furl her this morning Steamer slewed considerably Firefly (Milford Haven Feb Steam yacht Firefly of Aberystwyth whilst- moored in Tenby Harbour on 2nd inst carried away stern mooring Starboard quarter bulwarks and rail port side sternpost bolts and bottom of stem damaged Flowerdale (Tobermory Feb MiacBrayne'e steamer Flowerdale put in this morning and beached Making water Steamer had atruck rook entering Castle Bay Barra At low water she was dry and holes were plngged where damaged She left about six pm for the south It is reported that the schooner Frauzisko Hamburg for Stockton (salt sprung a leak when 90 miles out and was abandoned Crew landed at Grimsliy Ganges (Wapping Thames Feb Ganges barge laden 10C0 packages felt owners Fieider-Hickman proceeding down the Thames collided with the schooner SerapLot Plymouth moored Barge struck schooner's anchor and sank Harlow (Hamburg Feb A) British steamer Harlow for the Tyne in ballast leaving port collided with the British steamer Bruno for Hull Han-low lost anchor and 30 fathoms chain She was struck on port quarter Damage not serious and will proceed after recovery of anchor and chain and receipt of certificate of seaworthiness Fruno proceeded Believed very little damaged Iroquois (Jacksonville Feb US steamer Iroquois belonging to Clyde Company New York arrived with cargo on fire The Are has been extinguished Cargo coming oat in bad order John (Bristol Feb 4j Trow John of Newport from Bristol for Lydney was run into on the 2nd inst at Bristol Bridge by a Midland Sail-way tug stem on John's stern was smashed La Fiandre (Antwerp Feb Dutch steamer In Fiandre in ballast from Ghent lias been in collision in the river witii the lighter Transporter laden with 700 tons iron Latter beached Marie Paulis (Tripoli Feb Following information received from agent at German steamer Marie Paulig struck rock Large hole keel under machinery Cannot proceed to Malta Necessary to run her ashore Master wants salvage steamer No cure no Loaded with 7o00 quarters barley Morland (tSydney Feb Morland which was wrecked at Levaka was taking in cargo at the time Had part outward cargo aboard (337 tons) Pearl and A telegram from Coatza-coalcos states that the lighters Pearl aud Diamond are ashore Hope to refloat Petersburg (Copenhagen Feb Steamer stranded near Hojrups Kiint during fog Partly full water Jettisoning cargo Stevnsfjrr Feb 4: Discharging into lighters commenced Pumps control leaks Engine room dry Wind changed to sea increasing Communication with shore difficult The London (salvage Association have received the following telegram from their surveyor dated fitevrusfyr Feb 3 re Petersburg Easterly gales hitherto prevented boarding ship Weather now moderated Have examined her Ship stranded two cable lengths from shore near Stevus Lighthouse Baliast tanks filled afterpeak part filled engine room and afterhold filled up slowly Ship hanging amidships free from stem to close aoaft loremast Divers report starboard tide keel bent 15ft from about 20ft before sternpost rolling chocks and shell plates buckled under engine forefoot bent 2Xt Salvors placing pumps on board Lighters expected hourly Fair prospect of salvage if weather keeps favourable Poseidon (Marseilles Feb 3) Steamer docked yesterday Tenders for repairs opened rangiug from 28500 to 10350 francs Latter reasonable and accepted by owners Replacing damaged ropes extra Eukeby Hail (Sian Francisco Feb Yeesel Rokeby Hail has put in leaky Suzanne et Marie Sunderland for Marseilles (Brest Feb Suzanne et Marie put in through stress of weather Boats funnel and steering wheel damaged Sultana Victor and Hercules (Port Elizabeth Feb 4) During moderate breeze Sultana lost anchor and chain now replaced Victor lost anchor and 45 fathoms chain Hercules lost anchor Switzerland (Scilly Feb 4i Steamer Switzerland passed east at 3 10 pm Struck by heavy sea much injury done to funnel: report me to TTrquiola (Bilbao Feb Crquiola and Spanish man-of-war Cardinal Cisneros have been in collision Both Twssels arc damaged Ville de Lille and A Kemer'a Brest telegram Feb 3 states A massage from says steamer Ville de Lille alongside quay had 38 casks wine washed from deck Barque Marie sunk at mooring Two sloops wrecked Water rose over Quay- sweeping away tons of merchandise Wbimbrel (Sheerucss Feb Whimbrel ol Liverpool London for Rochester lighL 1904 Tons 102450 904610 1293263 203210 670463 103010 2275 25 1903 Tons 129420 314326 I31U44 82220 669828 128340 194 000 United Kingdom Jim 30 Vmnce Jan 1 Oennany Jan 1 Hamburg Feb 3 Anstrla-Hungary Jan 1 Holland Jan I Belgium Ja 1 3 508661 3319478 9600) 133375 94 000 116263 54644 58526 US total stocks Fob Oiha total stocks Feb 3 Cargoes afloat Feb 4 Total tons 3753136 3627642 week 3755597 3614U5 Glucose stotdy and unchanged American liquid ii per cant spot 11s 3d January ahcp meat 8s 9L February -March delivery 11a 3d Chip 80 per cent -70 per cent 8s 6d sellcni cLf Rum remains idle and unchanged At auction the small supply of 722 bags waes offered and met with a fair demand at toady prices Costa Raca middling bluo 69k bd smalls 46 peas 96 a bd- Guatemala low rt feddluig brownish green 32s Colombian middling' to bold brownish green 46s to 66f 6d mafia 35s to 40 6d pass 44 to 54 njuidlmg greeryih sold at 33s Pirtures upon a bad New York doe opened at a dxv cline of 1a with a fair business passing at fluctuating the later tone being steady with lid of decline recovered Sales oompnec March 38s 6d to 38s 3d May at 38s lid to 38k 7ici 38s 3d 39s 38s 7 Id and 38a 9d and value July at 39s 3d to 39s 6d and value September 40s 4id to 40b lid 40 7id 40 lid 40s 4 id to 40 3d and value December at 40 9d to 41s 40s 9d and seller Cocoa steady with small trade passing Tea At auction 3000 packages Indian and PXXX) of Java sold at previous rates for Indian but Java showed a bettor detiiamd and an xu-vanra of Id per lb Rico remains steady but no busixMBs reported I ndiar libber market oontinuee very firm Hue hard Para on the spot quoted 4s 5d sellers Hpieos Pepper At auction Singapore white benight in at lOffd- Penang retired at 91J lmpng bought at 8jd Singapore Mark bought in at 6jjd and 6id refused Alloppy Idwk bought in at 6A1 Lampong very grey wold at hjd Privately remains uriohTrgvi Cloven At auction Zanzibar offered and bought in at 8)a stems 100 bales sold at 3d Penang offered and bought in at 10d Ginger Bengal bought in at 27a Maoe: Peuang offend and bought in at 2s Nutmegs: Penang 64's sold at 2s 6d Singapore 24 box bought in at 2s 7L 2s 4d Is lid Quinine remains unchanged with and and or Brunswick March delivery quoted at lid per ounce Shellac Markot quiet with sales of fair orange spot on the basis of 210s Futures show an easier tendency with Is decline the only business done being March at 191a May quoted at 186s Hemp remains steady with sales of 500 bales good seconds January-March at £35 and 500 ditto March-May steamer at £34 10s ute remains unchanged Sales comprise 1500 bales first marks December 1 ami ary Dundee al £13 IZ 6d 250 Duff as Dacca- February- larch Hamburg £14 10s 500 KFD in circle pot Dundee at £14 15s 500 top first marks Febmary-Mareh Hamburg at £14 2s 6d 500 HTiBM in circle dock Hamburg at £13 5s 1000 8 first marks March-April Trieste at £13 12 bd 500 HLBM in circle 2 afloat Hamburg £13 12s 6d 500 top first marks February-March Hamburg at £14 liinseed firm Calcutta spot 35s 3d near 55s buyers January 34s 3d buyers 33 3d sellers April-June 32s 9d -oilers 32s 6d buyers tendon 32s 9d buyers Hamburg Bombay February 34s 6d Feb-M arch 34s sellers March-May (new crop) 33s 6d uellers Continent lift Plata Hnll spot 33s buyers January 30s 6d Hull January-February 30s February-Marah 30s sellers Hull March-April 30s sellers Ixindon and Hull Cargoes loading about 30s lOd sellers Rapesoed firm Brown Calcutta February-March 31s 9d ot Hamburg brown Cawn-pore prompt 32s 6d ot sellers new crop 32s 3d sellers ot yellow Gawnpore prompt 34a reliefs 33s 7dt buyers new crop 34s stiller- France: yellow Gujarat new crop 34s bd Antwerp Etrozpiir February March 31s 9d buyers 3D 10 jd sellers March April 31s bd ot Hamburg Dan nix- Kiwten cf jo ravison prompt 21s Hull Cottonseed firm afloat £6 3s sellers prompt 3s 9d Hull firm spot £6 Is 3d afloat ilb Is 3d flaid loadmg £6 Is 3d cargoes prompt 3s 9d sellers Bombay Eebruary-15th March £4 15s sellers London Poppyseed quiet Bombay (Calcutta options) Fchrnary-March 33s Juno-July 33a 7Jd Bombay to Antwerp Linseed Oil firm Spot pipes 17a barrels I7s bd Maroh-April 17s 4 id May August 17s 4 3d September December 17a 44d Rape Oil quiet Brown spot 22a 3d February KL 3d March-April 22s 3d May August 22ii 3d refined spot 23s 6d ravison 17s 9d Febnvary-Apnl 17a 9d Cotton Oil firm Grade spot 17s bd 10id refined spot 19s 3d to 21s Turpcntino firm Spot 46s month 46s 94 If obruary-April 46s 9d July-Dee 41s Petroleum dull American 7Jd to 7Jd Russian bjd to 7 id Tallow quiet at recent quotations CLYDE CRUSHED STJll AR-Official Report: Improved demand and large busings done at steady pricey Private Report: Market fairly active and goo4 uni new done at priceB obtainable yesterday LIVERPOOL CORN Thursday Evening Influenced by the continued strength of Amtncan and a revival of apprehensions ith respect to the Eastern situation a firmer tone gamed possession of the market and values generally were enhanced In the speculative department a fair advance was established at opening but tbo buying power afterwards being disappointing and sellers preponderating this improvement could not be maintained values gradually sagging until nearly all the advance bad vanished Stronger States cables in the afternoon resulted in a partial recovery but the market closed quiet and below the best though higher on the day Wheat cargoes firm and in moderate request Business represented by the sale of 8000 quarters South Australian March-April at 29s 3d 10000 quarters Victorian prompt shipment at 29s 3d net and 6000quarters Australian Melbourne standard) per City of Agra expected February at 29s 3d Parcels ljd to 3d per quarter dearer but inactive Sellers of No 3 Northern Manitoba at 29s 101d No 2 hard winter at 27s 9d and No 4 Northern Manitoba at 28a 6d all February River Plate 64-ltu January-Eebruarv valued at 28s 4ld Holders of spot parcels advanced quotations pier cental but found buyers indisposed to operate freely and only a small business was therefore concluded Graded red wheat options opened Ad liighcf but with little disposition to operate and offerings in excess of demand value subsequently weakened and at the call showed a loss of jcl f-oin initial level Prices ufterwards were further shaded but a rally ensued on receipt of strong afternoon cables and the market dosed Jjd to dearer though quiet in tone Sales estimated at 175000 rentals including March 6s 4-jd to be 414 May 6s 3d to 6s old Official Closing quotations 4 15 Delivery Ref wheat lOQlbs To-day Prev day March 6s 4jdvalue 6o 4idselJers May 6 Aid value 6s 3Ad value Maize The demand for spot parcels was quiet but holders in view of the advance in American raised quotations of new American mixed id per cental Old remained firm at full prices but River Plate was sparingly offered and quoted id and id per cental higher American mixed maize options opened jjd to id dearer but buyers in face of a small spot demand were unwilling to follow the advance and lacking sup-jiorl values subsequently receded a loss of id from opening being registered at the call but with buyers at the reduction Afternoon cables came higher and the interim fall was recovered the market closing steady at initial advance Bales estimated at 150000 centals covering March 4 2id to 4s 2iti May 4s 3id to 4s 3 id Official closing quotations 4 15 pm Delivery American mixed uiize per luoiba To-day Prev day March 4s 4d value 4s 2 pi viilue May 4s 3ld value 4s 3d value -Maize cargoes were not traded in Parcels firm but quiet and business restricted to American mixed at 19s 3d on passage sellers River Plate Dec-Jan ask 20s 6d and refuse 20s 3d Hour moved ciuietly into consumption at late rates Peas and beans remained unaltered IMPORT'S OF GRAIN Ac (Centals) Yesterday This week This year Last year nils ye 1954 oa 1188192 255469 3713!) 65082 Wheat Maize Flour Peas beans 45lz8 63350 ao973 28 9161 97742 140750 5565t 1881 10930 1977561 1442198 313327 46335 44748 GRAIN CARGOES London Thursday At the Baltic to-day on higher American adwices for wheat the market for cargoes ruled firmer sellers asking 3d advance Australians were still in demand and 29s 3d net was paid for 10000 quarters prompt and same price for 8000 quarters expected March-April shipment vSteamers Plate 63 jibs due out and February shipment 28s 9d wanted and 29s 6d for 641bs afloat Maize dearer 20a 9d paid steamer 14000qrs Hialatz Foxanian March shipment Danube steamers Febrnary-Mareh would come at 20b 7 'c! and April-May at 20s 6d Plate steamers alloat 20s 10jd asked for shipment sellers reserved Barley steady with sellers of steamers usual options at lbs buyers 15s 9d to lrs 10jd Demand oon United quiet louUon wheat futures opened at Feb 6s 8Jd March 6s PJd June 6s lOfd closing at l'eb be 8Jd March 6s 9d June 6s 10d Maize futures opened at March 20s 4d May 20a 7Ad chxitia n) March 20s 4id May 2Qfl 7 id Aaraaia from New York for the Mediterranean dirrrtrd at Gibraltar at 7 a on Thnradsy Oceanic irom Liverpool arrived at New York at noon on Thursday Cedric from New York arrived at Qneendnwn at 6 55 am on Ttmraday and left for Liverpool at 7 55 an 'eTc from Liverpool arrived at Qneeoatnwn at 11 40 am on Thursday and left for New York at 1 36 pm Cymric a left the Mersey for Boston on Thursday left Alexandria for Naples Gibraltar and Boston at 4 pm on Thursday fluoric left Teoeriffe for PJvtnotrili and tendon on Wednesday afternoon Gothic from tendon amrrd at Wellington on ThUTs-day rorrrJnr Ionian left tee Mersey for Haufax N8 at 4 pm on Thursday William Cliff left tho MerBey for Colon 4re on Thursday Uumiuion from Portland Me arrived in the Mersey on Thursday Cornishman left the Mersey for Portland M- on Thursday Ikhal i from Busmen arrived at Hull at 9 am on Thursday WiCuv- Hail frctmXiirwrpool arrived at Monte Video on Thursday Eden liall from East tendon arrived at Rangoon su Thursday Aston Hall r- foT Bombay and Knrrachee left Malta on Wednesday Tho following telegrams have been received at ths Booms this day: HOME ARRIVED Avonmouth -Pert Rnyal from Kinsftou Ja Barry Castilian Print irom Manchestei Medians from Antwerp Merculio from Newport Caeriecti nf from Penarth Qradae from Cardiff Hornsey from Harre Pnraiana from Bremen Amarapoora liom Moulnrin tia Liverpool Gleniiaad 8 from Riga cruiser 8t George from trial trip Caspian from Liverpool Lake Simeoe from Liverpool Wiister from Copenhagen Orianda irom London Ashton from Fleetwood Said from Ar-drossaa Dundee Coburg from Hamburg via Granflemonth Anna Moore i from the Tyne for Syrs Eanza from Cardiff for Colombo Zephyrus from the Tyne Umtata from Natal Somerset frem Sydney Clan Maedonakl a from Chittagong Seotmn from Genoa Spheroid from Antigua Rimmtaka 8 from Wellington Oceano a from Hull Appaiachee irom Batoum Ferim a from Bey-rout Windsor Castle from Frey Bentos Joliaune-burg from Middlesbrough Benlawers from Antwerp Eglantine from the Tyne Adour from Marecilles San I skloro from Carthagena Philadelphian from Boston Clan Urtjuhart from Calcutta Dart- frean Kust-endje Adour from Marseilles City of Charier oy from Bmseels Harma from Emden Warrior (tug) from Rotterdam Ortolan from Bordeaux Sea Hound from Ghent Ann Webster from Tornenae Batarier II from Rotterdam Ibis ifrom Antwerp Nautilus from the Charente Auricula from Dunkirk Export from RoUeidam Lady Salisbury from the Tyne Temple from Hartlepool Ikbal from Bremen Hindoo from New York Mary Annie from Leghorn for Goole: Swift from Rotterdam Swan a from Amsterdam Stariey Hall fiom Chareute Toledo from Windau Don from Hamburg Wharfe from last three for Goole Vogieia from Dunkirk aud Colne from Antwerp both for Goole Europe from Baltimore Tie tor 1a from Novorooisk Weimar from Haosburg Marua a from xSonderbor Buda 8 from Stettin Edward from Copenhagen Anchored in Roads: Krimns of Falmouth Manchester Itosaland from Pore grand Royal Prince 8 from Alexandria Koorvlifltau from Bombay Ruby Schultz from Aznetcrdam Moville Sicilian from Halifax Newport St Wand from Dunkirk Earl of Dumfries from Newport Tyne from St Malo Paris from Havre Ca-irniyon from Nantes Milo irom Bristol Carlisle from New Orleans and proceeded for Aalborg Queenstown Celtic 6 from Liverpool and proceeded for New York Cedric from New York and proceeded for Liverpool German from Natal and proceeded for London Columbia from Havre Rochefort from Caen Per saffian from Arcachon Speedwell from Nantes Corona from Huelva Mcrotauk from Avonmouth Arden from London F-lla from Hamburg De Fontaine from burg Harriet from Gmngomouth Beneficent from lyondon Douro from Konwrberg: Mercnr from Bergen Hcbburn from Hamburg Beijeriand from Rotterdaoi HOME SAILED Urda for Kallundborir Barry Oilfield for Philadelphia Maywoo fOT Pabfea (POtonne Coniecliffe a for Port Said Caen wood for London Girgonti a for Napiea Apollo for Genoa ega for Para Ha-rbory for London FarrmgfoTd lor Monte Video Aldersgatft a for Cape Vttdi Beffast City of BUimlrurg a for Dublin Briatol Giro a for Cardiff Petit Jacquea for Newport Jupiter for Bueno Ayxea Cornelia i for Oporto Ino 5 for Syra: Zuleika for River Plate Fancy for Bordeaux Cradao lor Barry Coraniao for Barceloira: Eleanor a for Swansea De Rnyter a for Suluia Wcirroc for Rio Janeiro Phcbue for Vence Potomac for Rio Janeiro Lady Martin for London Raglan fr Bnrrnport Dundee Claverdon far London Niobe for Loth Vera for Leith F3eetwood--Ieedeira for Rieoex Adjutant- for Leghorn Mesaban for New York Phosphor for Hamburg a Thameaharen Suwawec for Philadelphia Lepirwarden for Harlingen Mamartroom fet Amaterdam Gannet for Hamburg Import and Bataner III for Rcderdacm: Bosphorus for Hull Portia for Hamburg CycJade for Newport Bargej a for Riga Ohf ia for Hamburg Starling for Antwerp Bi a for Chrirtiama: Sfcuna for Gothenburg Lapwing for St Tbomae Wl Urd for Cette Elsinore for Gothenburg: Ka1 londorg a for Genoa Duchess of CkjmwaU for Cardiff Narcissus for Gibraltar Oceano for Jamaica via London Minister Tak for Harlingen Tniro for Cheat Juno for Hamburg Swallow for Rotterdam Fairy for Antwerp Potarw for Hamburg Wind sot for Calais: Astrologer for Tcrneuzen Coblenz for Hamburg Erimua a of Falmouth Manchesher Mario for Copenhagen Armourer for Valencia: Weebawken for Batoum Caledonia 8 Osborne and Glasgow a all for Rotterdam Mathide for Gibraltar Gorsemore for Genoa Harharl for La Plata Doddona for Koraoer Granada for Aguilas Hollding for Dakar John Fat bergiil for Port Said Antonin far Iquiffne Franeoit far Cardiff (in Queen for Leith St Iiaarent and Notre Dame for Bt Brienx Nautilus and for London Tagu a for Colon Narova for Treport Alma for Havre Annie for Memel St Effheit 8 for Buenos Ayres Gmnit far Cherbourg Bay Head for Galveston General de JBoisdeffe for San Franmuro Patmas and Pencartnirk for Batoum: Anna Maria for Hennebont Eerast room for Antwerp Grpnadier 8 for Rotterdam Ragnvald lari for Shamrock for Hamburg George Heaton for Venice Madeleine for Hull Canute foT Christiania Gustav Bogel for Bilbao Straotoo for C'arrhapena Albortus for London Westerprato for Cardiff Una for Copenhagen India for Caen Helene for Rouen Hengest 8 for Copenhagen Broad-garth for 6avona Ope Antibei for Alexandria Intrepid 8 for Hamburg ('amargo for Santander Gwent for Amaterdam Eilcs for Pautiiae HOME PASSED Beadre Slotsrdyk from Rotterdam for New York: Oxonian (prerimed) from Antwerp Boston: Solent of Southampton Germau nom Table Bay for liOndoD Garveipark for Leith Karrosa a from Genoa tor Hamburg Clcch from Penrauee for London lruaum i from Bombay for Dunkirk Mary Lohden from Bilbao: one of ateamers Alto 8 from London for Bilbao Epirus from London tor Barry Cannelite ft from Potman for the Tyne a Hamburs-Ainerioan Line steamer Chitrago City ft from New York for Bristol Cedric irom New York for Queenstown aisd Liverpool Fleswick of Whitehaven lake Erie ft from St John NB for Liverpool Pretoria from New York ior Hambarc Six Galahad 8 of London Nervion 8 of Christiania Vernon of London Ariadne from Marseilles kc for Rotterdam: Michael from Novoaostiak lor Bremen Long Ditton 8 of London Cookhaai ft of London Cap Levi from Cherbourg for London Minnesota from Phila-helpbia for London Dartmoor of Shields Bremen from Sydney and Genoa for Antwerp Rimutaka from Wellington for London Hattiburg1-American steamer TJmtato Jrom Port Natal for London knglo-American Oil Company's etosmer Mathilde from Cette for London Dubae from Shields ior Trieste Cano elite of Newcastle Seibwtan of Swansea Lavernock Cardiff Tees of Hnll Mi ligate of Manchester Carmelite of London Serbistan of Swansea Adana of Sunderland Hunffc German from the Cape for Soathamp-ton and London Pomeranian presumed from Boston tor the Clyde Cedric from New York for Liverpool Michigan from Liverpool for Bolton Oilfield CairtlBO from Newport News for LiverpooL Annie Park sehooner of Barrow Ariel of Plymouth Huaur (ichooner) from Portxnadoc for Sunderland Michael Kelly from Portmadoc for Hamburg: Carlisle from New Orlenus for Koreoer Rankin-Gihnour Liner probably St Andrew Jrom New York for Antwerp John Coverdale from Rotterdam for Mac Chester Liverpool from Havre for Liverpool City of Dortmund of Dublin Kharki (Government pollior) Lord Kelvin from Hamburg Vina from London for Swansea Elpi-dophoroe a from London Clan Macintosh from Antwerp for Glasgow Skeleton of Belfast Deutwbland from Genoa for Hambnig lauristan from London for Newport: Frederick Knight from Rotterdam for Cardiff Grorehurst from Loudon for Penartb John Over-dale 8 from Rotterdam for Manchester Liverpool from Havre for Liverpool Ivy MiUteent Knight from Hull for Cardiff Lundy Port Royal 8 from Jamaica for Avoir-mouth Aldcregnto frem Burry for Capo Veidet Granada presumed) from Hebburn-on-Tytie for Avoa-month Clrei oaea from Havo Onyx Trent Dombugh Prawk? Pretoria from New York for Plymouth two of HM torpedo boat destroyers Katblin Ift Urea Sicilian Pera PoroeTanian Celtic from Liveipool for New York Vellore from Queenstown for Falmouth: City of Frankfort a Scilly Milverton from Queenstown for Ltith a two-masted steamer white funnel black top a mail steamer black funnel white band Ajmes from Galveston for Hamburg a two-masted Bt earner red funaul black and white band top a two-masted steamer black funnel with letter one of stesxners St Ann's 1 Tudor ft of Liverpool Panmnra of Penzance Trial of Belfast Tojao of Belfast St Sphewnd from Antiyua for London Nanette ft from Potl for Rotterdam a four-masted steamer red fuunel black top Incemore from Antwerp: Beckenham ft from 03sa for London Tro-sillian a of St Ive Vanessa of London Torr Head Parisian FOREIGN ARRIVED Accra Feb Paul Woermann ft from Bengue a Feb 3 Himalaya (P and 0 steamer Clan Fraser Pera Ptlds Recent 8 Jan 4 Oriental Alexandria Feb Elswick Hal! from rardiff Algoa Bay Feb Galician from Table Bay Auckland Feb 3 Star of New Zealand from London Axita Feb Hans Woermann from Swakopmunde Bahia Blanca Feb Skenrjfoxe from Santos Brie bane Feb Grange ft Irom Sydney Buenos Ayres Feb Byron from Pernambuco Cadis Feb Lisbon ft from London Calcutta Feb 3 SeharzfelB i from Hamburg Candia from London Callao Feb Almond Branch ft from Liverpool Dunkirk Feb Amiral Courbet from Havre for La Plata Fremantle Peb Fifeshire from Sydney Galverton Feb -Chancellor from the Went Indies Amaxonenee ft from Paia Genoa Feb Tbomaaina Lcilau from Junin Loch Etive from Newport Kiantschou and leaves fox Southampton Antwerp and Hamburg Genoa Feb Vito from Liverpool Gibraltar -Feb 3 Oratios Couppas Tre-vorian Anatolia ft Norge MxcfarhiQe a Noliie-ment Gladys Royte Feb 4 Powhatan from Palermo and leaves for New York A Uinta and leaves for the Mediterranean Havre Fob Huaacar ft from Mideira Kurmhee Feb Wharfedale from London Jjor Pa-lms Feb 3--Knrfnrit ft from Table Bay -Liabon Feb 3 Peninsular from New York Madeira Feb Dunottar Castle Jrom tfouthampton and proceeded for Table Bar Madras Feb Clan Stuart from the Clyde Malta Feb Volos Clan Mactaren PicQaa from New York Maracaibo Jan den from St Louis Sen Marie i lies Philip Nelson from Tnnidad Mobile Feb ft from Trinidad Monte Feb 2 Ktbetbikla from Leith Feb 4 Wifftow Hall from Liverpool Naple Feb Bucntaur rcn Barry Natal Feb 3- -Clan Ranald ffom the Clyde New Orleans Feb 3 Wayfarer ft from Uverpool Newport New Feb Kanawha ft front Liverpool New Feb 3 Anglo-fcaxen from Burry Feb- 4 Ksiier Wilhelm dei Groec frdm Bremet Rumours which apparently have good foundation have also been current that the company were in negotiation for other steamers for their Mediterranean enterprise At any rate there is good authority for stating that the Cunard have purchased a steel twin-screw passenger cargo and cattle steamer at present budding by Messrs John Brown and Company Clydebank Her dimensions are 500ft by 59ft by 36ft moulded to upper deck and she capable of carrying about 10900 tons deadweight on about 28ft 4in draft This vessel is now practically ready and thorn seems no doubt that the Cunard Company are going to secure sufficient steamers carry on a more frequent service and offer ing very much greater facilities than dotha Carpathia and Aurania Some weeks ago a statement was made but was said to be without foundation that the Canadian Pacific Railway had decided to transfer their Atlantic steamship Continental passenger traffic from Liverpool to Antwerp It is now however aufchoriia-tively stated that this is to be the casv under an arrangement entered into with the Continental steamship lines and that the London vessels of tbe CPR and not those plying from the Mersey will call at Antwerp for passengers and freight No doubt the CPR have very good reasons for taking this step but the result will be a loss to this port and country for in 1 bo season on an average probably some 500 emigrants travelled from the Continent via Grimsby to Liverpool to embark on 1 he Canadian steamers On the other hand however more British emigrants may be secured bv the CPR Liverpool steamers by reason of the fact that no Continental emigrants will be carried The already fine fleet of tbe Nelson Lind (Messrs and Nelson) which has been built up so rapidly has received another addition this week This is tbo Highland Watch which has been constructed by Messrs Russell and Co Port Glasgow and is the first of three large frozen moafi carriers for the same owners The other) two are to bo named the Highland Harris and Highland Heather and no doubt they will be of similar dimensions to the ona just placed iu the water vis 390ft iw length and capable of carrying 7250 tens With the addition of hese three steamers the fleet will consist of 14 first -class craft which are engaged in the River Plate trade It is understood tliat two vessels havA been contracted for by Liverpool owners with Messrs Pickersgill and Sous Sunderland One is for the Lancashire Shipping Company Limited (Messrs Jamest Chambers and Co) Liverpool is to have a deadweight capacity of about 7000 tons and is to be delivered in the autumn ami tbe other is for Messrs Ferine and Sons Liverpool and is to be of large dimensions There lias been launched by Messrs Chas Connell and Co Limited Scotstouu a steamer named the Sbahzada for tha Asiatic Steam Navigation Company Liver pool and Calcutta She measures 300ft ns length by 40ft "in in breadth and 24ft Oin depth (moulded) and will carry 3200 tons deadweight on a moderate draft Thera has also been placed in the water for Messrs William Johnston and Co Limited Liverpool bv Messrs Richardson Duck and Co Stockton the steel steamer Arranmore of 3050 tons gross and measuring 360ft by 45ft by 26 2-3ft Now that Parliament has reassembled attention is being more markedly directed to the Bill being promoted by the Mersey Docks aud Harbour Board whereby it is proposed to alter the basis of charging duet from net register to 50 per cent of the gros tonnage As previously mentioned in this column there is every indication that there will be even greater opposition to the proposal when tne Bill comes to be considered by Parliament han when the previous Bill was subsequently withdrawn was introduced At the present time it is understood that a petition is being drawn up by Liverpool Shipowners for presentation to Parliament on the matter Not only in this port but in every port throughout the country the result of the struggle will be eagerly awaited for there is little doubt that if anything is granted to Liverpool it will be demanded by other ports Most valuable is the work performed by the Shipwrecked Fishermen and Royal Benevolent Society of which Mr Hanmcr of the Home Liverpool and Mrs Kirkham New Brighton are the local honorary representatives while the patrons include Sir Alfred Jones KCMG and Mr Danton Nearly 40000 fishermen and sailors are enrolled as members of tbe institution which through its 1000 honorary representatives located in all ports fishing towns Ac care for feed clothe and send home shipwrecked men seek out and succour widows and orphans of men lost at sea and at assist distressed seafarers Members or those dependent on them are also in addition entitled to other substantial benefits balance-sheet recently issued bv the Liverpool auxiliary for last year is highly satisfactory The honorary subscriptions donations totalled £578 and payment of fishermen and mariners £117 while £40 was the amount of relief returned bv consuls and there was remitted from central office for committee awards for relief £297 making the receipts in the aggregate £1033 odd On tbo other side there is £588 disbursed for relief (not including rail fares) living £444 tor be remitted to the central office The wreck of tbe Kenmore seems to have realised a good price she having just been disposed of for £757 This is no doubt due to tbe presence of Captain Bachelor of the Liverpool Salvage Association who was despatched to Camella where the vessel went ashore for the purpose of making the most of the wreck Messrs Keilocks offered by auction this week at the Baltic Mercantile andSbippiog Exchange the steel steamer Provan 3925 tons gross built last year and at present lying at New York Bidding commenced at £25000 aud after 167 bids she as pur-eitased for £32500 by Mr Janies Knott of Newcastle Tile iron steamer Polar a 2673 tons gross owned by Messrs Furness Withy and Co has been sold to Messrs King and Co Gaxston Evert Houskhoid and Tcxviitisc 'uses I ought to contain a bottle of Esc it Hxu A simple remedy for preventing aud curing by uataral means all functional derangements of th liver errors in diet biliousness sick headachv constipation Ac Tbs effect of Balt on a disordered sleepless and feverish condition is simplv marvellous It is in lac! own remedy and an unsurpassed ene Prepared only by Bno Ltd Emit Sal Works Lend en Eng by En patent Printed and published for KQEBTOM SMITH and CO LIMITED by Kgertou Smith Castle at tbe tvnd General Printing Offices Nos 10 12 14 and If Wood street Liverpool where all communications far the Editor and Publisher should be addressed MOVEMENTS OF THE PACIFIC STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY STEAMERS Grita from Valparaiso left Prmta Arenas on Tuesday fnoi Sunday aft previously reported) for Port Steal Monte Video Rio Janeiro St Vincfcnt Liftboc Vigo La Pallice (RaehelleJ and Liverpool Oruba left Liverpool for Valparaiso Ire on Thursday CLAN LINE MOVEMENTS flan Graham from East London for Galle left Durban Fe 2- Grant from Madras for Maraeiliea and London armed at Sues Feb 2 Clan Buchanan from Cochin for Ivondon passed Sagrres Feb 1 Clan Sinelair from Liverpool for Calcutta arrived at Port Said Feb 2 Wan Macintoih from Antwerp for Glasgow paused Bmehy Heed Frt 3 Clan Mathefton from East London arrived at Gallo Feb 3 SHIPS ENGAGING CREWS The crews of the following vessels -will sign articles this day (Friday) February 5 Central Office Hour Clement Queen's Dock for Para 10 30 Trieste Wellington Dock for Baltic 2 0 Maranhenso Dock for Para 1 0 Burton-street Thespis Alexandra Dock for Santos 10 0 Raeburn a Alexandra Dock for Buenos Ayres II 0 Pavia Alexandra Dock for Mediterranean 11 0 FATAL OCCURRENCE ON A LIVERPOOL TUG MEN OVERCOME BY FUMES An alarming discovery wae made yesterday forenoon on board a steamtug lying in No 1 Canada Branch Dock Liverpool when three members of tbe crew were found in an unconscious condition in the cabin where they had been sleeping The men were immediately brought up on deck and without delay taken to the Northern Hospital There it was seen that one of them had died and the others were overcome with gas fumes The circumstances are very simple The tug Edengarth belonging to Messrs Rea and Son ooaJownere of Preeson's row waa stationed in the Canada Branch Dock for the purpose of towing flats across the river The three men whose names are Sampson Davies Henry Monaghan and Benjamin Bryant were part of the crew of tbe tug aud it was their cuatom to sleep aboard the craft In the cabin where they spent Wednesday evening a stove was burning and doubtless they fell asleep whilst the firq was still alight Early yesterday morning the captain arrived on the scene and not seeing any of his men about he shouted He received no reply and at once went bekrw to the cabin and was startled to find the threo men lying in an un-eon-cions condition He noticed that the room which is very smaij wa full of gas fume and was stifling to enter Beoogrnsing the serious condition of affairs the captain got tho asitr ance-of several polioe officers and the three men were brought up on deck Artificial respiration was resorted to and Monaghan and Bryant recovered but Davies could not be revived The two first named on being medically treated at the hospital continued to improve and gave indications of a complete recovery LIVERPOOL BANKRUPTCY COURT At the weekly sitting of this Court yesterday for public examinations the only matter listed was that of John Bowman Caps tick milk dealer and farmer of Cateacre The Official Receiver said the bankrupt had tiled the account ordered at the previous sitting aud he bad now no questions to put to tbe bankrupt Mr A Ogden Taylor applied for the closing of the public examination and Mr Registrar Cooper made an order closing the examination accordingly BLINDNESS is a terrible calamity too treat ior exaggeration There is an old saying that none are so blind a they who soe The most dangerous form of mental blindness is refusing to acknowledge that we are ill when such is really the case Sickness is not to be set aside in that way Indigestion jind biliousness lead to a great variety of ailments treated by Mother Syrup they gradually subside and give place to healthful digestion My digestive system was badly deranged in consequence of an accident in taking hold of a live electric writes Mr Pointon of 50 Rephidim-street Southwark London My general health was also injuriously affected 1 could keep no food ou my stomach and had every symptom of acute indigestion Mother Syrup is tbe only medicine that did rue any good It at once rdieved and soon cured it me (LPtyc YOU EVER -V MVERT1SED? Tak Vsdffi eddetn urimny mm ym MW MB mm mm tkt mUmm tkmt miU gem ytm HugwUicity jn rlfsrt IF IN DOUBT Charles Birchall Ltd Will mdviu you mj io ike Ut medium 7 9 9 Metropolitan Metropolitan Midland Midland Great Western North British 2120 624 21i063 210263 2058 iSm Mi 78693 75628 16628 North-eastern 162738 165788 11803 Stafford Rly A Canal 17363 18872 1104 South-cast'n A LC St Dor 68676 71940 1050 TatfVale 18749 18194 6289 Including teke ondFleetwood steamers andWalney Ferry i Exclusive of steamboat receipts City lines and extension traffic excluded LIVERPOOL AKD WEST AFRICA Tho sixth annual general meeting of the West African Trade Association waa held on Wednesday at No 10 Water-street Liverpool the president (Mr George Miller) occupying the chair In moving the adoption of tho report for tho past year Mr Miller said that the association waa primarily organised for tbo development of trade and for dealing with trade matters which wero either restrictive or oppressive The association represented the bulk of the trading community and the funds wore satisfactory there being a balance on the right side In the oourse of tho past year the executive had dealt with a great variety of interests They had urged upon the Government and Grown agents that all contracts in regard to West African railways should be made by open tender instead of as in the past being given preferentially to one firm and they had strongly recommended that all machinery for agricultural purposes and building material for native houses should be admitted free of duty River transport was a matter that was earnestly being considered by the Government and the association had repeatedly recommended the authorities to spend more money in opening up he creeks and wafer ways thereby insuring facility for natives and others to go further into tho hinterlands As regards the Government running flotillas on African rivers for the convenience of trade the chairman said that would involve large speculative expenditure or large subsidies which would necessitate increased Imperial grants and that in his opinion could hardly be justified while private enterprise might do the work if properly approached and encouraged Sanitation and health in West Africa had been kept steadily before the executive and the influence of the association had been given to measures calculated to improve health Banking facilities have been provided throughout the whole of British West Africa and the association had enoouxaged the development thereof and hoped that restrictions imposed in regard to tho free importation of Bilver might soon be removed Mr Stanley Rogerson seconded the resolution and tho report was adopted Tbo three retiring members of the committee were on the motion of Mr John Holt seconded by Mr Welsh reelected Mr George Miller was re-elected president Mr Stanley Rogersou vice-president aud Mr John Holt honorary treasurer CLAIM SEQUEL TO A JEWEL ROBBERY Before Phillimore and a common jury in tho Bench Division yesterday William Kemp sued Mr Henry Williamson to recover £99 8s bd realised by tho sale by the police of jewellery consisting of 15 gold watches 37 silver watches six gold chains two silver chains twelve diamond rings and seven boxes of insides of watches Mr Tamil in opening the case said that the action was brought under an Act of 1897 and was really an appeal from a decision of the stipendiary magistrate The plajntiff in 1892 was sentenced to ten penal servitude for receiving stolen property It appeared tliat in July 1892 there was an extensive robbery of jewellery A brougham or trap with about £4000 worth of jewellery left outside a public house disappeared The plaintiff attended auction sales and bought watches On the 19th Septemlier plazntiff was arrested and in his possession wero found pawn tickets and a watch In all eight watcls-s were traced to the possession of Kemp which bad been stolen tho previous July Plaintiff and a man named Neale were charged and sentenced to ten and seven years' penal servitude respectively fn October 1903 plaintiff applied to a magistrate for tho return of certain property which was detained by the police and afterwards sold by them Mr Williamson who was the prosecutor appeared to show cause against the appii cation The magistrate ordered tliat £30 should be- handed to tho plaintiff but that £99 odd which formed the subject matter of this action was the properly of Mr Williamson Plaintiff however said the £99 was realised by the sale of property belonging to him aud which lio had acquired in tire ordinary course of his bugi ness Tho jury found for the defendant and judgment was entered accordingly with costs No Moa Mjedicih ok Expinse fob Invalids and Du Hkalth-kxstoring Rbvalenta Arabics Food cures constipation flatulency indigestion dyspepsia acidity phlegm all fevers influent coughs asthma debility consumption dian-ha'a neuralgia sleeplessness It saves 50 times its cost in other treatments and rears the most delicate infants Fifty invariable success 100000 annual cures In tins la 2s 3 bd 6s 51b 14s 121 bs 32s Du Barry Sc Co Limited 77 Regent-street London Liverpool Tbomjieon 58 Hanover-streef MaeSymon and Co Shaw Bros Havelock-buildings Bold-street and all gfooers chemist and stores.
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