Tyria's Next Top Super Star @tyriasnexttopsuperstar-blog - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)



Jan 1, 2018

Season One of Tyria’s Next Top Superstar was a great success and now it’s 2018′s turn to crown a winner who will join Locien Ortherion in the Hall of Fame.

If you would like to apply, please check out the How to Apply link in my tumblr. Any race and gender can apply. EU and NA are both welcome.

Prize for the winner is 1200 gems plus 200g. Each round the best screenshot wins 10g.

Message me if you have any questions after reading the How to Apply page.

We are looking for 10-14 contestants this season. The judges will be made up of myself and contestants from season One.

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May 28, 2017

Our first winner is crowned!

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May 17, 2017

Round Nine: The Finale

Congratulations Jack, Jullchen and Locien for making it to the end of this long journey. You’ve showed us your humble beginnings, been chased by the paparazzi, starred in movies, ad campaigns, fallen into sin and even taken on the dragons themselves!


Are you ready for the final sprint?

This week you need to make your final case as to why you deserve to be crowned Tyria’s Next Top Superstar.

This will be done with three parts:

Part One: Winners Shot

Every round you have taken us on a journey that has slowly given more and more insight into your character and what gives them their star quality. What makes them special. This final shot is your last chance to show us your screen-shotting skills and make our jaws drop with an epic final photo.

Show us what makes your character who they are. You don’t want to be repetitive with any past photos you have done - a new location, new poses or themes would be great but not essential. It’s one final insight into your characters and solidify yourself as the rightful winner.

Below are some examples of my own characters doing what, for me, is their “signature pose” - which is basically turning towards the camera in the fanciest way they possibly can. What would your “winners pose” look like?

Try and think about things like colour, the environment, skill effects, day/night lighting, armour choice and all that jazz so that everything seems chosen for a reason and not just because it was the default at the time.

Part Two: Beauty Shot

This will be photo that hangs in the TNTS“Hall of Fame” so if you win, this photo will represent your character - and may be joined by future winners (gasp!). This photo must be a close up of your character. Head and shoulders, and without armour/headgear. If i ever see another scarf, crown or assassin’s mask again it will be TOO SOON!

Again, examples below!

As you can see, the screenshot should be closely cropped, but does not need to be a straight on angle, although that’s fine too. This is basically up to you! As it will be how your character is displayed should they become the winner. You can have a standard pose, or use an emote/skill to produce a bit more emotion/personality. UP TO YOU GUYS! Just make sure it’s free of any armour/weapons.

Part Three: Questions

You will need to submit your screenshots along with the answers to the following questions:

1. What makes you Tyria’s Next Top Superstar? Focus on your character and not your competition.

2. Who has been your biggest competition? Why? This can be any contestant.

3. What would you do with your winnings if you won?

4. What have you learnt during this competition? It can be about screen-shotting or anything that came about from being in this contest.

5. What is your main critique for this competition? So we can hope to improve!

The winner will be revealed at the end of this round. Judges will RANK the images for part 1 from 1st to 3rd. They will also do this for the part 2 images.

As a reminder, here is what you are fighting for:

100 gold, 800 gems and the title of Tyria’s Next Top Superstar.

Submissions are due by: Wednesday 24th May by 5pm GMT

Good luck!

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May 15, 2017

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Round Eight: Judge’s Comments

So here are the judge’s comments. It’s getting so close to the finish now and we really love everything you guys are doing. These images are also very similar so we are being forced to split hairs here.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a shot of Tequatl looking this sinister and badass. The lighting in this image is perfect for Teq because it just emphasizes that doom and gloom terror. I also love that you’ve managed to capture the death/poison/rot aspect as well with green slime dripping from his body and the poisonous gasses floating around Jack’s feet. Tequatl’s pose is also just epic as F***!

As for Jack, he is somewhat forgetful in this image. I love that he has movement, and Bolt really helps add some contrast to the shot and the purple static down the leg is a nice touch. However Jack’s shoulder piece is obscuring his beautiful white hair which would have shined like a beacon in this image! I think if the shoulders were hidden it would have helped a little bit although we still don’t get to see too much of Jack.

Maybe brighter armour could have helped to let Jack stand out a bit more too.

Overall this is stunning shot and one to be very proud of!


The colours in this shot are SIMPLY STUNNING. I love the fact that the Shatterer seems completely focused on Jullchen, like this is a 1v1 battle between the two of them. Jullchen is one of those characters who can get away will a dull armour colour because the hair is so bright it makes up for it. Here, the hair is so signature to Jullchen and so even though we can’t see Jullchen (a running theme with you all season to be honest) it works here because there is no mistaking who you are!

The green, ominous sky, coupled with the Shatterer’s signature purple and Jullchen’s signature red really makes this image stand out among the submissions.

I was honestly shocked that you were last to pick and still got to choose The Shatterer who arguably offers the most awesome close up and varied actions to chose from.


I LOVE the action here. Everything from Locien’s legs, the gun firing and his hair flying, brings to much tension to this image. This screenshot could honestly be made into a full-blown poster. Jormag looks so evil, and he’s got his beady eyes fixed on Locien as if he is a minor annoyance that he’ll need to deal with.

What is also really good is that you’ve moved the camera angle so that Locien is on the left side, which gives us a slight view of his profile.


Last week, you were the winner and therefore you got to pick first this week when choosing dragons. As soon as you asked if the dragon had to be alive, I knew exactly what you were planning - you wanted to take a picture with a dead dragon and so naturally that had to be Mordremoth. This screenshot is basically exactly what I expected from you and that sorta takes away from its wow factor.

You could almost argue that this was the laziest option. You had a stationary object behind you that you needed to get a stellar screenshot with. The others all had very large, moving, dangerous dragons in their midst - and had to work with that whilst also taking shots. You could have taken shots during the battle against Mordremoth to get a far more interesting/powerful image.

Shelly’s pose in this shot is a bit confusing. We didn’t really know what she is trying to convey - is she happy or proud or trying to be sassy? It almost looks like she is telling someone off.

On the plus side, your image stands out because Shelly is actually giving us face. THANK YOU for facing forward and not forgetting the golden rule we always go on about here haha.

Everyone else turned their characters away from the camera to look at the dragon which instantly lost their connection with the viewer. In the other three shots, the dragon is the star because the dragon is facing the camera and has the attention of not only the viewer but also the character. Here, Shelly maintains the limelight because she looking at us! She’s almost bored of the dead dragon behind her which is fierce.

The colours in this image are also very striking and its definitely a vibrant shade to show off during a time of victory. It goes well with the bright purples and greens behind Shelly near Mordremoth.


The 4 judge’s scores have been tallied. Someone will be eliminated tomorrow and then the final 3 will duke it out for the Grand Prize.

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May 13, 2017

Round Eight: Submissions

This week our contestants had to take on the dragons!

Here are the shots!

Jack vs Tequatl the Sunless:

Jullchen vs The Shatterer:

Locien vs The Claw of Jormag:

Shelly vs Mordremoth:

Amazing shots, guys! The judges will now do their thing and results will be posted where one of you will become the 9th person to leave the competition.

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May 2, 2017

Round Eight: Enter The Dragons!

Congratulations once again on making it to the Final Four!

The stakes are rising as you get closer and closer to the title. It’s time to leave all inhibition to the side and strike out for the real fame and glory! Everyone across Tyria knows that there is no greater challenge than taking on the Dragons themselves!

This week you shall be taking a shot with some of the most feared Dragons of our time:

The Claw of Jormag

Tequatl The Sunless



The Shatterer

Shelly, as the winner of last weeks challenge, you will select which Dragon you would like to face off against first.

Once Shelly has chosen, Locien shall choose. Then Jack, and finally Jullchen.

You must each choose a different dragon.

Criteria this week are based on:

Criteria One: How well both your character and the dragon feature. We want characters giving us fierce poses, looking battle ready and showing us they are worthy of being Tyria’s Next Top Superstar. We want the dragon to be more than just some background prop. The entire dragon does not need to be in the shot, but we want the dragon to be captured in as much of it’s glory as possible. You can try for up close or from a distance as long as it’s not so far off that it feels irrelevant.(5 Points)

Criteria Two: Overall epicness/beauty of the shot (5 Points)

There will be no set deadline at this stage, We will discuss it in the group chat once everyone has selected their dragon. Some of these dragons are on timers or at the end of long events which will make it harder to set up so we are more than happy to accommodate for everyone to ensure they have sufficient time.

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May 2, 2017

Round Seven: Judge’s Scores

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Apr 30, 2017

Round Seven: Judge’s Comments


Well! There is certainly no doubt as to what you are portraying here! From the armour, to the shield, even the background! The area you are in really goes great, it reminds me of Glints Lair from GW1. Some of the judges loved the pose as well although I personally thought it was a bit simple - while it’s a great screenshot, at this stage in the competition you need the shot to have a wow factor in order to truly stand out. There are no bad screenshots being submitted – and everyone is getting so much better at following the guidelines of the theme so the judges need to look to who is able to deliver a screenshot that is giving that extra wow factor and surprising us.


You took the risk and chose not to use the staff and I truly believe that it pays off for you. The round where you had to sell a weapon you chose a staff and that image was great – but if you had tried to do it again that wow factor would probably have been lost. Here you are giving us something quite different and it’s great! I especially like the location. Something about it just reminds me of the countryside around Shing Jea Monastery in Cantha which is very fitting for a Daredevil.


Wooooah there! Looking GOOD. Last round you chose wrath and the setting was very similar and as soon as this round began I was worried you would struggle to deliver berserker without it feeling too similar to wrath. Don’t get me wrong, these two images definitely have similarities e.g. the flames/ fire theme, however when I opened up the image for the first time I can’t deny that I was seriously impressed and in love with the shot. My only gripe with the shot is that, when I think of berserker, I think of fury and rage and Locien seems so cool, calm and collected.


Like with Jack, this shot is achieving everything set out in the judge’s criteria as far as theme goes, yet it lacks that wow factor. To me it could be a combination of the simple pose along with the location which has been overused at this stage in the competition. Locien used it with his greatsword. Aranaye used it for her shield and for her movie poster and so despite it being a perfect place to have a chrono – there is a feeling of “eh, we’ve seen it before”. However, just because a location has been used before in this competition does not mean that you should not use it again if it suits your goals – the challenge is just making sure your image is the best one and brings something unique that helps deliver that wow factor and stand out.


Just. Wow. This shot is serving up druid mystical realness and I am getting my life! Another risk by not using the staff but this one paid off in spades! The way you levitate in the air with that simple yet powerful pose is so great and the background and effects all add the magical and wondrous appeal that is the druid. I am seriously in love with this shot.


Results will be posted later! Then we will be down to JUST FOUR!

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Apr 27, 2017

Round Seven: Submissions

Before we post the submissions, this week our final 6 dropped down to 5 after Pacalis withdrew from the competition. Pacalis was a last, non human contestant!

This round will continue as usual and so by the end we will be down to just 4!

Our Contestants had to portray their elite specialisations this week.

Jack: Herald

Jullchen: Daredevil

Locien: Beserker

Nemo: Chronomancer

Shelly: Druid

So there we have it! Our judges will now do their thing and results will follow.

Good luck!

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Apr 21, 2017

Round Seven: Elite Portayals

Congratulations on making it to the final 6!

Still in the running we have:

- a Thief- a Warrior- a Revenant- a Ranger - and two Mesmers!

This round, your characters are going to be showcasing their elite specializations!

You need to make sure you have your elite specialization weapon equipped and your goal is to showcase the role of your elite specialization to the best of your ability.

Judging Criteria:

Elite Portrayal - How well has the elite specialization been portrayed? (5 points)

Overall Screenshot Appeal - Character, scenery etc (5 points)

Screenshots are due by: Friday 12pm GMT on 28th April.

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Apr 19, 2017

Round Six: Submissions

Theme: The Seven Deadly Sins


Jack - Greed


Jullchen - Lust


Locien - Wrath


Nemo - Gluttony


Pacalis - Pride


Shelly - Sloth

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Apr 19, 2017



Apr 9, 2017

Round Six: The Seven Deadly Sins

Hey guys and welcome to Round 6!

With only seven of you left, it’s time to really step up your game! You never know who might end up in the bottom 2.

After becoming successful movie stars, your characters have let the fame and fortune go to their heads and this week they’ll be showcasing this in the form of one of the seven deadly sins:







And Pride.

Jack, as the winner of last weeks challenge, you get to choose which sin you would like to use first. One you’ve picked, the runner-up, Jullchen, shall pick hers and so on and so forth.

The complete order is as follows:

1st. Jack

2nd. Jullchen

3rd. Locien

4th. Shelly

5th. Aranaye

6th. Pacalis

7th. Nemo

You can’t pick a sin that someone else has chosen.

This means Nemo will get the 7th sin that no one else chose.

You will each pick in the Discord chat in the order shown above.

The screenshots will be scored on the following 2 criteria:

Theme - how well your screenshots depicts the sin you chose. You may need to do a bit of research on your sin if you are not very familiar with it. What colours go with your sin? what sort of activities? What emotions? Where do sinners like yourself normally hang out? What sort of weapon might they use? if any? Use all these to your advantage.(5 points)

Beauty - how great the screenshot is/how well it shows off your character. (5 points)

The deadline for this challenge is Sunday 16th April at 12pm GMT.

Good luck!

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Apr 9, 2017

Round Five: Scores



Apr 9, 2017

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Tyria's Next Top Super Star @tyriasnexttopsuperstar-blog - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)
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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.